I started a food blog in 2010, with my daughter Camille, called
Cooking with Camille. The request from Camille was ‘could I teach her how to cook?’; after we had watched the movie Julie and Julia. The aim, to teach Camille – then 9-years old – how to cook. We cooked a recipe each week from Jamie Oliver’s Jamie’s Dinners Cookbook for a whole year, and at the end of each week Camille had to communicate what she learnt. After including guest visitors and holidays, we achieved our goal.

When my son left home for university a few years later, he contacted me almost weekly, and for only for one reason – to ask how to make a particular traditional family recipe, or his favourite recipe.
Combing the food blog, food requests and remembering the stories resulted in where we are today – FoodFams.
And, almost ten years on from the exact date we first began, we are all home together (COVID-19 2020). While under lockdown, we decided to reinstate our cooking blog, retitled to Meet in the Middle. Starting with a 10 series traditional / generational or favourite food stories and recipes.